Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Last Two Polish Stops

As we exit Poland we travelled via Torun (top pic - pop 170,000) where you can see the other leaning tower (no not Pisa!) which was built, as punishment, by one of the Knights Templar who had failed his vow of celibacy! As to why he built it with a lean - you can decide for yourselves. Torun is also the birthplace of Copernicus and the city is famous for its all red-brick buildings.

Next we stopped at Szczecin (pop 420,000) which is located on the Odra River & Dabie Lake and is an important port for Poland. There is also a channel to Berlin (completed in 1913) used for goods transportation. Szczecin was bombed by the Allies in 1945 and almost 65% of the city was destroyed. Nowdays this city is very industrial with the port taking pride of place. In the bottom pic you see the church of St. Peter & Paul which was built between 1425-40 over the original wooden church used for mass baptisms by Bishop Otto in 1124. Total distance travelled to date: 11,396km.


  1. The photos of Auschwitz were a poignant reminder that the past still very much haunts the present, i.e. the recent loss of Germany in the quarter finals of the World Cup surely supports my theory.

    By visiting this historical site, you both managed to earn my respect – at long last. It dawned on me that the roads you crossed were neither frivolous nor flippant and in fact, there was a profundity to your characters.

    … finally, I am boycotting this site until John learns to put some clothes on. What were YOU thinking???


  2. What..... a bloke... fail the test of celibacy.... I don't believe it....

  3. speaking of vows of celibacy, have either of you broken yours???

  4. John, moo anavis ta emata

  5. Paul,

    how about showing some Ab's as well


  6. The last two comments written under the guise of Maria & Tina were placed there by Mr Anonymous who discovered a feature in the Blog. I, and I am sure that tina do not condone such comments. If in the future Mr Anonymous continues to write such things under our names, I will expose him!

  7. phew....i was wondering when i was last in a drunken state to have written "my" comment and suffered memory loss.
