Friday, June 2, 2006

Lisbon is Greek

According to the Portguese themselves, Ulysees discoverd the site that is now modern Lisbon (Lisboa).

Therefore it is Greek.

Lisbon is an ultra-compressed Athens - 2.5 million people living on seven steep hills covered in apartments over an area roughly 20 by 20 km. Most streets are cobbled and every shape other than straight. As a result traffic is chaotic and congested.

This photo was taken from the 5th century castle of St George. Other highlights include the fairly clean Douri river (with cool breeze) and the Monument of Disovery which salutes Portguese ocean explorers between 1427 and 1525.


  1. lisbon greek, hmmm.
    i say what isnt greek. ;p

  2. Sounds abit like Lesvos to me!
